專任教師 莊逸君 助理教授
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莊逸君 老師
office hour:每週一、二 14:00~16:00
綜合臨床實習 I
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Guan-Yi Chen, Lan-Yuan Guo, I-Chun Chuang, Ho-Chang Kuo, Yuh-Chyn Tsai and Shih-Feng Liu. Effect of music intervention on lung expansion exercises after cardiothoracic surgery: J Clin Med 2022 Mar 13;11(6):1589 (SCI) IF:5.58 |
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I-Chun Chuang, Ming-Shyan Huang, Li-Ru Huang, Shah-Hwa Chou, Tsen-Ni Tsai, Rei-Cheng Yang. Prophylactic Inhalation of L-alanyl-L-glutamine Enhances Heat Shock Protein 72 and Attenuates Endotoxin-Induced Lung Injury in Rats. Physiological Research. 2015,64:505-512.(SCI) |
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Tsen-Ni Tsai, Tzu-Ying Lee, Maw-Shung Liu, I-Chun Chuang, Mei-Chin Lu, Huei-Ping Dong, Sheng-I. Lue, and Rei-Chen Yang. Release of endogenous heat shock protein 72 on the survival of sepsis in rats. J. Surg Res 2015 198(1):165-74. (SCI) |
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Li-Ju Huang, Huei-Ping Dong, I-Chun Chuang, Maw-Shung Liu and Rei-Cheng Yang*. Attenuation Of Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response Is Associated With Hepatic Dysfunction In Septic Rats. Shock. 2012 38(6) :642-648. (SCI) |
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Li-Ju Huang, I-Chun Chuang, Huei-Ping Dong, and Rei-Cheng Yang*. Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 Regulates The Expression Of The Mitochondrial Atpase Inhibitor Protein (If1) In Rat Liver. ShocK, 2011 36(1): 90-96. (SCI) |
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I-Chun Chuang , Rei-Cheng Yang, Shah-Hwa Chou, Li-Ru Huang, Tsen-Ni Tsai, Huei-Ping Dong,Ming-Shyan Huang. Effect of carbon dioxide inhalation on pulmonary hypertension induced by increased blood flow and hypoxia. The Kaohsiung Journal of medical scienc. 2011,27(8):336-343.(SCI) |
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Huei-Ping Dong, Rei-Cheng Yang, I-Chun Chunag, Li-Ju Huang, Hsing-Tan Li, Hsin-Liang Chen, and Chung-Yi Chen,* Inhibitory Effect of Hexahydrocurcumin on Human Platelet Aggregation. Natural product communications 2012; 7(7) ;883-884. (SCI) |
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I-Chun Chuang, Rei-Cheng Yang, Shah-Hwa Chou, Li-Ru Huang, Tsen-Ni Tsai, Huei- Ping Dong,Ming-Shyan Huang. Effect of carbon dioxide inhalation on pulmonary hypertension induced by increased blood flow and hypoxia. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences. 2011; 27, 336-343, (SCI). |
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Chiang HH, Chuang IC, Li HP, Lee JY, Lee YL, Chang YT, Chou SH*. Impending Asphyxia Caused by Migration of Tracheal Expansible Stent: An Unexpected Complication. Thorac Med, 2011,20(2):80-84. |
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Shah-Hwa Chou, I-Chun Chuang, Meei-Feng Huang, Shun-Jen Chang,Hsien-Pin Li, Jui-Ying Lee, Yen-Lung Lee, Hung-Hsing Chiang. Comparison of needlescopic and conventional video-assisted thoracic surgery for primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Minimally Invasive Therapy. 2011; Early Online, 1–5. (SCI) |
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I-Chun Chuang , Huei-Ping Dong, Rei-Cheng Yang, Tung-Heng Wang, Jen-Hsiang Tsai,Pei-Hsuan Yang, Ming-Shyan Huang* Effect of carbon dioxide on pulmonary vascular tone at various pulmonary arterial |
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Pei-Hsuan Yang, Chuan-Sheng Wang, Chih-Jen Yang, Jen-Yu Hung, Jhi-Jhu Hwang, Tung-Heng Wang, I-Chun Chuang *. Outcome of physical therapy intervention on ventilator weaning and functional status. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences. 2010, 26(7):336-72(SCI) |
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Huei-Ping Dong, I-Chun Chunag, Hsiang-Wen Chen, Li-Ju Huang, Jen-Hsiang Tsai and Rei-Cheng Yang. Lipopolysaccharidestimulated leukocytes contribute to platelet aggregative dysfunction attenuated bycatalase. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences. 2010, 26(11):584-92.(SCI) |
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I-Chun Chuang , Demeral David Liu, Shang Jyh Kao, Hsing I. Chen. N-acetylcystein attenuates the acute lung injury caused by phorbol myristate acetate in isolated rat lungs. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2007,20:726-733. (SCI) |
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Yen Chin Liu, Shang Jyh Kao,. I Chun Chuang. and Hsing I Chen* Nitric oxide in air embolism lung injury YC Liu et al. Nitric oxide modulates air embolism-induced lung injury in rats with normotension and hypertension. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology .2007: 34, 1173–1180. (SCI) |
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T-I Pan, C-T LI, M-Y Huang, H-C Youg, I-C Chuang *. Clinical Experience of Respiratory Patient with transfusion-Related Acute lung Injury. Journal of Respiratory Therapy, 2009;8(3):1-13 |
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I-C Chuang * Aerosolized Medication Therapy Guideline. Journal of Respiratory Therapy Taiwan,2006;17:40-45. |
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I-J Chang ,H-P Lin I-C Chuang * Guidelines for oxygen therapy.Journal of Respiratory Care ROC,2003;14:40-45. |
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I-Chun Chuang Essential Clinical Skills for Respiratory Care, LiWen Publisher 2011. ISBN:978-986-6105-02-9 |
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I-Chun Chuang 『呼吸治療臨床技能測驗教案(技能型OSCE)』ISBN:978-986-490-208-8 |
序號 |
計畫名稱及編號 |
補助單位 |
執行期限 |
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教育部 109年教學實踐計畫「以創新課程提升呼吸治療學系學生個案分析能力」 |
教育部 |
2020/01/01~2020/12/31 |
協同主持人 |
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教育部大學社會責任實踐計畫樂活高雄•健康城市: 小港區環境教育與健康促進永續發展計畫 |
教育部 |
2019/01/01~2022/12/31 |
總計畫協同主持人及子計畫主持人 |
3. |
肺復原計畫在慢性阻塞性肺疾病人之成效 |
高醫大學 KMU-M110026 |
2021/01/01~2021/12/31 |
主持人 |
4. |
Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) ventilation associated biochemical reaction in rat’s lung: the study of heat shock response |
高醫大學附設中和紀念醫院指導型計畫 |
2012/01/01~2012/12/31 |
指導教師 |
5. |
Aerosolized glutamine therapy inhibits ICAM-1 and MIP2 expression in rat’s lung: role of HSP72 regulate the NF-KB pathway. |
科技部 |
2011/8~2012/8 |
主持人 |
6. |
Lung protective effect of inhaled glutamine induced HSP72 is related to prevention of neutrophils accumulation through inhibition of ICAM-1 and MIP-2 |
高醫大教師 |
2008/12 ~ 2009/12 |
主持人 |
7. |
glutamine吸入治療降低內毒素誘發急性肺損傷: 探討熱休克蛋72效應 |
高醫大教師 |
2007/12 ~ 2008/12 |
主持人 |
8. |
空氣污染對學齡兒童肺功能的影響 |
高雄市立小港醫院專題研究計畫 |
2005/10 ~ 2006/07 |
主持人 |